Have questions about your career development? No matter if it's guidance on choosing a major, exploring your career options, help with the job search, or gaining experience while in college with an internship or co-op and more, the Career Coaches at the Career Center are here to help!
Career Coaching is available to degree-seeking* students (including post-docs) and alumni who have a degree from UNC Charlotte, from as soon as you're admitted to the University, through your time on-campus, continuing through graduation and beyond.
*Career coaching is for students who are admitted to or enrolled in bachelor's, master's, certificate, doctoral, or post-doctoral programs at Charlotte. Students in non-degree programs, like ELTI and Early College, are eligible for all services except for career coaching appointments and will be eligible for coaching appointments when they're admitted to a degree program.
Coaches are available for appointments virtually (via Zoom), phone appointments and in-person appointments. When scheduling your appointment, choose the Location you prefer, either at the Career Center for in-person appointments or Virtual/Phone appointments. For Virtual/Phone appointments, you'll check in to our website to connect with your coach. Detailed instructions for connecting with your coach will be provided by e-mail.
In addition to appointments, our drop-in hours offer no-appointment necessary assistance with additional topics including: Resume & Cover Letter Reviews, LinkedIn Profiles, Building your Network and Job Search, Internship, Co-Op and Graduate School Search Strategies!
Students in a degree-granting program (a bachelor's, master's, certificate, doctoral, or post-doctoral program) can make an appointment through their Hire-A-Niner account. Click the button to the right to login and make an appointment.
Alternatively, once logged in, from the Hire-A-Niner student homepage, choose Appointments from the top menu.
Recent alumni can make an appointment through your Hire-A-Niner account.
Alumni 5+ years beyond graduation should e-mail Lori Brasile to schedule an appointment or arrange a virtual session.
Newly admitted students can utilize drop-in services as soon as 72 hours after they have accepted their admission. Drop in to review your resume or explore all of the services that the UNC Charlotte Career Center can offer you during your time here.
Career Coaching services will become available once your Hire-A-Niner account is set up after you register for classes.
You can talk with a career coach about anything career related - we're here to help! Examples of coaching topics include:
Examples of coaching topics include:
- Exploring your career options and communities
- Choosing a major
- Gaining experience through internships, co-ops or volunteering
- Finding a job or planning for further education
- Practice Interviews
- Discussing a career assessment