The Career Center is committed to providing comprehensive, innovative services and resources for students, alumni, and employers that prepare UNC Charlotte graduates for the competitive global market. Through a focus on early, continuous career and professional preparation, we bridge academic knowledge and professional development. We seek campus and employer partnerships to connect students with meaningful, real-world experiences, leading to success for both UNC Charlotte alumni and the greater Charlotte community.
Our service philosophy is to enable users to prepare and connect amongst each other and the world of work. For all our users, we are their consultants, trusted coaches, and collaborators.
We believe our students/alumni are empowered explorers who are seeking career savviness through becoming marketable, practiced, and networked. Students/alumni are looking to discover, learn, and connect.
We believe our faculty and university staff are our connected partners in preparing students and alumni. Faculty are looking to learn, be informed, and introduced. Staff are looking to represent, improve, and deliver.
We believe our employers and other professionals from industry to be engaged partners who seek to build a vibrant workforce now and into the future. Employers are looking to network, recruit, and partner.
At UNC Charlotte we provide the opportunity for every student to participate in a “real world, work-related” experience that can assist a student to develop their resume. This can include activities such as: internships or co-ops; applied ‘real-world’ research projects for a company or nonprofit; clinical rotations for health or human services; technology/data simulation or engineering projects; and more!
Empowerment Statement
We believe that it is our responsibility to advocate for and empower students to pursue their own power-oriented goals. We demonstrate our commitment to create experiences for all students by challenging our own policies and processes as well as employer partners’ awareness of recruiting practices that enable all to thrive. Through intentional programming and readily available resources, we help students and alumni develop competencies that will enable them to be knowledgeable and capable in their personally meaningful career journeys.