The Career Center provides essential resources and guidance to help students explore career pathways, secure internships and employment opportunities, and develop professional skills through programs like UPIP (University Professional Internship Program). Our university's coaching program is designed to guide students through self-discovery, decision-making, understanding the world of work, and developing the tools to transition from strategic planning to actionable steps. Coaching is individualized, following the Career Community Model, where students select industries of interest to receive tailored experiences, events, and communication. This personalized approach ensures that students are connected with relevant opportunities that align with their career aspirations and academic goals. Experiential learning throughout college is important in preparing students for their future careers. To support student explorations, we have developed a variety of "journeys" that offer students diverse and flexible opportunities to gain real-world experience aligned with their career and academic goals. These journeys include traditional pathways such as internships, research experiences, and cooperative education, as well as innovative options designed to accommodate students’ varying schedules and commitments.
We offer multiple ways of getting individual attention to your career needs.
- Drop-ins are 15-30 minute sessions available during the academic year and throughout the summer session covering a variety of topics including resume review, interviewing tips, networking skills and more
- Appointments are 1-hour scheduled sessions with a career coach to discuss in-depth topics such as exploring careers, reviewing assessment results, developing career community-specific skills, and conducting a job search
Get our current drop in hours, learn how to schedule an appointment and more:
Meetups are small group sessions of 5-15 people on targeted topics.
Several thousand employers recruit UNC Charlotte students and alumni through the job posting component of Hire-A-Niner. Apply directly through the system.
Employers attend UNC Charlotte's career fairs to recruit UNC Charlotte students and alumni. Some of our fairs are also open to the public. Networking events and mixers provide students with an opportunity to network with employers and learn about a variety of industries and organizations.
We offer the PathwayU career assessment to students who want to know more about themselves and their career interests. Students can take the assessment for free and review the results on their own or make an appointment with a career coach for a guided review of the results.
We host employers on campus during the academic year for numerous activities including career fairs, on-campus interviews, practice interviews, employer-led Meet Ups, and various networking opportunities.
Our Career Treks program takes students to a variety of organizations to experience their company culture for a day.
Hire-a-Niner is our primary online resource that connects you to employers, internships and experiential opportunities.
Big Interview is our online practice interview platform to get you prepared for all types of interviews, from graduate school admissions to full time employment.
GoinGlobal career and employment resources provide worldwide job and internship postings including 80,000+ pages of career guides. The University Career Center is proud to offer the GoinGlobal resource to our community in partnership with the Office of International Programs.
Vault | Firsthand is an online platform that allows users to gain insight into different industries, companies, and careers.