Career Treks are engaging opportunities for UNC Charlotte students and alumni to expand their knowledge about industries, job functions, and employer cultures at companies and organizations in the Charlotte area and beyond. These short, in-person events are typically 1-1.5 hours in length and will be packed with information, including (but not limited to) the following:
- An overview of the host employer and its industry
- A panel of employees who have a variety of job functions
- An opportunity to connect in a smaller setting with individual employees via breakout sessions
The itinerary for each Trek varies, but expect to receive a behind-the-scenes tour of the host employer, listen to an overview of the company/organization, hear from a variety of employees about their job functions, and have an opportunity to network. Career Treks are interactive and engaging experiences and can range from 2 hours to a half-day commitment.
Research the company/organization you will be visiting and develop a list of 5-10 engaging questions to ask employees during the Trek, such as
- Could you explain your organizational structure?
- How would you describe the organization’s workplace culture?
- What makes a potential employee’s resume stand out from the rest?
- What do you enjoy most about your work with this organization?
Practice your 30-second pitch. Visit the Brand section of the Career Guide for more helpful strategies for engaging in networking and branding opportunities.
Depending on the location of the host employer, you’ll either take the lightrail from campus or Career Center staff will drive student participants in 15-passenger vans. Detailed logistics will be provided to you once you register for the Trek.
Business casual attire is expected, unless otherwise noted. No jeans, please.
We recommend that you bring several copies of your resume in case you have an opportunity to share it with an employer you meet. Attend a drop-in appointment for a quick resume review to make sure your document is looking professional.
Follow up with the host employer via email or LinkedIn to thank them for the experience, ask any additional questions you might have, and, if you’re comfortable, share your resume.
Click on one of the available Treks below, then click 'More Details' to RSVP.
Here are student testimonials from recent Career Trek experiences:
- "[I learned] how important it is to make connections in your career field and stay consistent with them."
- "[I learned] that even though Meck County does not have a prison, there are still many opportunities to work and be involved in local criminal justice services without being a police officer."
- "[I learned] there are more opportunities out there that you may not be considering, keep your options open!"
- "I learned about more technical and 'behind the scenes' positions that are needed for museums to operate."