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Campus Resources

Make Connections

Building connections through networking is an important part of career and professional development. You might not realize it, but you connect with people most days - through classes, student organizations, friends, family, work, volunteer service, hobbies, neighbors, religious services, etc.  

As a student, you can begin building professional connections that will give you access to industry insight, career advice, and available opportunities.

Connection Tips

  • Be a “joiner”: Join student and professional organizations and attend conferences and meetings with the goal of meeting at least one new person at each event. You can identify professional associations through the Career Communities pages or through an online search. 
  • Share: Tell everyone you know that you are conducting a job search and what type of job you are looking for. Once again, include family, friends, professors, previous employers, etc.
  • Take initiative: When at an event, whether social or professional, take the initiative and introduce yourself to people. Ask them about themselves and what they do. You will often find that people enjoy talking about themselves.
  • Share your thanks: When you have the opportunity to talk with people, share your thanks, whether through an email or LinkedIn message. Let them know that you appreciate the time they gave you and the information they shared. Also, ask them if they know of anyone else who would be able to provide you with more information.
  • Stay in contact: Periodically, followup with connections. Share an interesting article or give them an update about your  job or internship search.

The Career Center provides many opportunities for you to build connections.

This is a great format to engage with potential employers in meaningful conversations about their organization and their open opportunities in Hire-A-Niner. Typically, you will learn about what it is like to work at this organization, what positions they have available, and which competencies they are looking for in prospective candidates.

These events pose great opportunities for students to connect with employers and learn more about how to develop their own talent to thrive in that industry. 

Career fairs provide a lot of opportunity for student to connect directly with employers. Attending a career fair provides students with a space to showcase their skills and brand, while learning more about what a particular organization is looking for. Many internships and job opportunities can be sourced through fairs.

These 30-45 minute sessions typically consist of 10-15 minutes of content and 10-15 minutes of Q&A. Meet-Ups come in two forms –

Industry Focused – providing you with key information about particular sectors, companies, and job functions.  Typically facilitated by professionals from industry.
Career Brand Focused – providing you with specific assistance around common topics relating to resumes, interviewing, salary negotiation, job/internship search, and a variety of other areas to support your career growth.

Career Treks are engaging opportunities for Charlotte students and alumni to expand their knowledge about industries, job functions, and employer cultures at companies and organizations in the Charlotte area and beyond. These events are typically 2-4 hours in length and will be packed with information, including (but not limited to) the following: An overview of the host employer and its industry A panel of employees who have a variety of job functions An opportunity to connect in a smaller setting with individual employees via breakout sessions.

England: Global Career Quest In London

The Career Center leads an international study abroad program each May, which supports students in their personal career development on an international scale. The objective of the students’ experience is to prepare them to understand the complexity, challenges, and skill set acquisition and knowledge base necessary to successfully develop a strong career brand that corresponds to an international career landscape. 

Currently, this study abroad program focuses on London, England since it is one of the most diverse cities in the world with more than 300 languages spoken every day. Students also earn 3-credit hours towards their degree by completing the specific study abroad course that aligns with the program. Meeting the objectives of this program, successful students will demonstrate tactical knowledge to manage their career post-UNC Charlotte and beyond. Developing and practicing the core career competencies will contribute to the students’ overall career brand, confidence level around his/her/their career path, and connection to the targeted industries of choice. 

Learn more about and apply for this study abroad program through the Office of Education Abroad. This program is considered a "Freestanding Faculty-Led Program."