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Campus Resources

Welcome, Employers

Build a strong pipeline with us through early engagement on campus with students and faculty, while also partnering on initiatives for both strategic recruitment and “just in time hiring” needs. Our model helps you maximize your university-wide brand with students, alumni, faculty, and other campus partners.


Living Alumni in the Charlotte Region


New Professionals Graduate Each Year


Stay in Charlotte-region after Graduation


Nationally Ranked Programs by U.S. News & World Report


Bachelor's in Data Science

#1 in NC

Awarding Degrees to Latinx Students


Identify as Racial or Ethnic Minorities


First-Generation Students

Engage with our engaged students! 

Professional Clubs
Professional Clubs

89+ active clubs

Graduate Clubs
Graduate Clubs

36+ active graduate student clubs

Culture Clubs
Culture Clubs

35+ active clubs promoting diversity

Service Oriented Clubs
Student Oriented Clubs

30+ active organizations

STEM Oriented Clubs
STEM Oriented Clubs

45+ active clubs for STEM fields

ENGAGE with charlotte students

70% of current Charlotte students engage with our system, which means your key positions will be seen by a wide audience. Students from technology, analytics, and business programs have an even higher rate of engagement with the Hire-A-Niner. 

  • Post an Opportunity 
  • On-Campus Interviews 

Career Fairs
Aside from posting jobs, large career fairs not only provide your organization with an opportunity for campus-wide branding, but also an opportunity to meet top Charlotte candidates. These events are open to all students, alumni, local universities/colleges, and the general public and attract 2,000+ candidates. 

  • Fall Career + Internship Fair (Friday, September 13)
  • Part-Time Job Fair (Wednesday, October 2) 
  • STEM Career Fair (January 31, February 7 or 14)
  • Spring Career + Internship Fair (February 21, 14, or 7)
  • Education Career Fair (Friday, March 28)

Other Opportunities 
Look to join our industry-based programs to build your brand, reach talent early, and help students build their social capital and career awareness.

  • Career Community Weeks - Fall 2024
    • Business | Financial Services | Logistics - Week of September 3
    • Technology | Data | Analytics - Week of September 23
    • Engineering | Manufacturing | Energy - Week of September 30
    • Healthcare | Sciences | Research - Week of October 7
    • Arts | Media | Design - Week of October 21
    • Social Impact | Education | Nonprofit - Week of October 28
  • Opportunities for All Panel + Mixer (Wednesday, September 11)
  • Employer Connection Dinner (Tuesday, March 25)




Experiential Education

Internships/Co-ops: Our team will help you build a structured internship program and recruit potential candidates.

Micro-Internships: Sometimes you may not have projects that last a full semester but still have need for talent for short-term experiences. We partner with Parker Dewey on these types of experiences.

Student Projects: Talk to a member of our Employer Engagement team about opportunities to develop a course-based project with teams of students and faculty oversight.

Niner Challenges: develop creative ways to provide students with experience while also developing your future talent pipeline.  Hack-a-thons, Case Competitions, Skills Challenges, or other ways to gamify skill development.

Industry and Career Education

Build your Brand
Join in on the facilitation of our Meet Ups, Professional Panels, Practice Interviews, serve as our "resume expert" for the day, or develop a Career Trek!  Have an idea of something new you want to try?  Let's discuss! 

Deepen your Engagement
Build your brand on campus through our Employer Partners Program