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Campus Resources

Engagement Across Perspectives

Equity & Inclusion

This career skill is a lifelong commitment to developing the awareness, attitude, knowledge, and skills necessary for working and interacting respectfully and effectively with people from a variety of cultural backgrounds and self-concepts.

Sample Behaviors:

  • Solicit and use feedback from multiple cultural perspectives to make balanced decisions
  • Actively contribute to fair practices that influence individual and comprehensive change
  • Involve historically disadvantaged communities
  • Seek global cross-cultural interactions and experiences that enhance one’s understanding of people from different demographic groups and that leads to personal growth
  • Keep an open mind to different ideas and new ways of thinking
  • Identify resources and eliminate barriers resulting from individual and structural disparities and assumptions
  • Demonstrate flexibility by adapting to a variety of environments
  • Address hierarchical systems that limit opportunities for members of disadvantaged communities

*This statement has been modified from the original NACE definition