Gig Training is a short-term project that an organization or internal University department might require assistance with, but there isn’t quite enough work for it to be constituted as a full internship. Gig Trainings are classified as project-based learning experiences that could help Charlotte students develop more marketable skills and experience.
- Projects can range in duration, extending from a brief 10 hours or a few days to as much as six weeks. Although projects can span over a longer period of time, student participation cannot exceed 40 TOTAL hours.
- Hourly/weekly commitments are determined by Student Employment and are based on existing on-campus employment and class level.
- All opportunities will be presented to the Undergraduate student population only.
- The Career Center will compensate students at a rate of $13 per hour for their participation in this program.
- Due to University policy, short-term projects are not eligible for academic credit.