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Campus Resources

Interview Preparation Program


What is Big Interview?

Big Interview is an online interview platform that allows students to conduct free practice interviews virtually.  Currently, the Career Center allows faculty and staff to request Big Interview assignments for their course or group via the form below. Using Big Interview's robust AI tool, students will receive immediate feedback on their interview skills along with tips and strategies for improvement. The Career Center can then also share grades with faculty and staff at the conclusion of an assignment. Faculty and staff also have the option to create, manage and review their own student submissions. 

Account Access

Request Big Interview Assignment Launch Big Interview

Webcam enabled computers on campus

Big Interview technology requires that students have access to a computer with a webcam. Webcam enabled computer labs on campus are: Burson 114 &131, COED 037 & 434, Fretwell 215, McEniry 105 & 106. If students do not own a webcam-enabled computer they are encouraged to check out a laptop through Atkins Library or the Student Union. Computers with webcams are also available in the Career Center on a limited basis, check with our office for details. 

Account Access for Teaching Assistants

If you have a TA for your class and would like for them to be able to view and comment on assignments please e-mail to get your TA upgraded to a location admin which will allow them to assist with grading.

Tablet & Mobile Access

Big Interview is compatible with mobile devices.

Editing comments on student interviews

At this time, comments and Star Ratings cannot be updated or changed. The program does allow you to regrade a particular student's assignment to give them a new grade. There is also no spell-check in the comments section.

Late Assignments and Make-Ups

At this time, the University Career Center is unable to grade assignments submitted past the due date. The program's popularity has created a tight schedule. We are happy to assist you in learning the very intuitive grading system to grade these assignments. 

Want to Grade Your Own Assignments?

Contact our team at to learn about how you can review and grade your own Big Interview assignments!