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Campus Resources


Our consulting services offer a comprehensive approach to enhancing academic programs, drawing on a wealth of data accumulated over the past decade. Leveraging insights from the extensive alumni network spanning more than 10 years, we analyze key competencies and skill demands extracted from thousands of open positions across various industries and geographic areas. Our methodology integrates career center student usage data, illuminating patterns and preferences in career-related resources. The Next Destination Survey further informs our strategy by revealing immediate post-graduation outcomes, while additional reports, such as program/industry diversity reports, academic program comparison data, and specific occupational and industry reports, enrich our understanding. Our consulting sessions engage stakeholders in dynamic discussions, presenting actionable report takeaways and providing key recommendations tailored to each academic program. This holistic approach empowers institutions to align their goals with student success, fostering a dynamic educational environment that meets the evolving needs of both students and industry stakeholders.

  • Departmental Career Center Report: includes usage data, retention information, Next Destination results broken down by undergraduates and graduate students, and an overview of alumni profiles as they relate to competencies and skills acquired as related to industry demand.
  • Diversity Report: provide alumni information from the past ten years and diversity of graduates and its comparison to the diversity in the common occupations our alumni go into.  Great way to market how academic departments produce diversity in certain jobs.
  • Program Comparison (Charlotte vs you name it!): how our alumni are compared to other alumni in NC.
  • Alumni Profiles (Charlotte Region): top companies, occupations, job titles, and specialized skills our alumni from the past ten years have.
  • Program Overview: provides a picture of graduates (it can go back ten+ years), target occupations, jobs available for them, projected earnings, top titles, and MOST importantly the skills these jobs require and the level of those skills our alumni have after they graduated.

If your academic program is interested in using these consulting services, simply fill out this form to get started.