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Campus Resources

Experiential Learning

At UNC Charlotte we provide the opportunity for every student to participate in a practical, work-related experience that can assist a student to develop their professional profile. This can include activities such as: internships or co-ops, applied ‘real-world’ research projects for a company or nonprofit, clinical rotations for health or human services, technology/data simulation or engineering projects, and more!

Our goal is 100% of students engage in experiential learning before they graduate.

80% of seniors engaged in EL

Information was collected from 25+ data sources across campus

More than 11,000 student profiles were reviewed

More than 10,000 internships and coops were posted in Hire-A-Niner last year

In 2023, a consultant was hired by the university to assist with the development of strategic plans for the entire institution as well as numerous units.  As part of that process, a small team crafted the following statement to help guide our institution around the concepts of experiential learning:

An inclusive term for all types of courses and learning experiences including, but not limited to, high-impact learning experiences, project-based learning in capstone courses, senior design, student research courses and other courses), simulations, internships (for credit, micro-internships, GigTraining, micro-certs), cooperative education, undergraduate research, micro-programs, micro-credentials, cooperative education, service-learning experiences and community-based learning experiences. 

FY24 is the first time that a comprehensive approach was taken to capture information and data on engagement levels of undergraduate students in experiential learning.  The Career Center spearheaded the project, working with numerous partners across campus, to develop the annual process and collect data from upwards of 25+ sources culminating in one final report for campus consumption.  Here is an overview of the process:

  • Fall Census: provided undergraduate information on all current juniors and seniors which is the target population for this annual report.
  • October - June: surveys were sent out, information collected from campus partners, a student team conducted "LinkedIn scrubbing", course information gathered, and other data sources compiled.
  • OneIT: all raw data compiled into one source and provided to OneIT for the creation of our first EL Report dashboard.

During FY24, we tracked the following categories of EL

EL Integrated: these are students who have EL "baked into the curriculum" or are a part of a program that requires EL.

Internships/Coops: these include traditional experiences and micro-experiences.

Research: includes research experiences outside the classroom.

Study Abroad: all levels, breadth, and depth.

Working & Education: includes information on students who are working while in college.

Coming soon!

Service Learning: tracking of students who engage in service learning and significant community engagement projects.

Project Based Learning: tracking of students who engage in significant levels of project-based learning.

This annual project involves a lot of moving parts, coordination with campus partners like you, and a team of students devoted to assisting us in searching for information on engagement activities.  We would LOVE your help!

  • "LinkedIn Scrubbing": if you have student workers that have bandwidth to support this research during the months of November/December and April/May, let us know.
  • Survey Data: if your department or unit is ALSO tracking similar information, let us know so that we can add your data to the pile.  We will coordinate when to reach out for the information you have collected.
  • Tag your courses: if you have courses that include significant experiential learning components such as service learning, working with an external organization, or other similar high impact practices, tag the course or let us know the course number so that we can add it to our data collection request.
  • Other Data Sources: if you, or others, in your department or unit are actively collecting EL data in any shape or form, let us know so that we can add it to our collection process.  Saves us time if you already know information about your own students!

Each cycle of data collection will provide The Career Center with specific information on all "rising seniors" who we either do not have any information collected or have indicated that they have not engaged in experiential learning.  The plan:

  • A systematic communication plan will be implemented to highlight opportunities available for these students, resources available to them to help strategize around the search, as well as to further understand their needs.
  • Select information can be provided to academic programs and Colleges if there is a plan provided as to what they plan to do with that data that assists us in meeting our 100% engagement goal.

The Career Center, alongside key campus partners, are continuing to build new relationships with organizations and pilot new channels of experiential learning to provide our students with more opportunities to engage.

  • Riipen: alongside our partners in the School of Professional Studies, we will be piloting a project-based learning program both at the curricular and co-curricular level.
  • Virtual Internships: the career team will be piloting a new matching program for credit based virtual internships.
  • GigTraining Program: the career team continues building a program to match students with projects across campus and with community based organizations.
  • Campus Employment: campus partners throughout the university continue to work on transforming jobs on campus into "internship quality" experiences.  Additionally, a small team is hard at work developing a Job Training Program specifically for our students eligible for Federal Work Study funds providing a pathway program into campus employment.
  • Micro-Experiences: work continues with the availability of micro-internships through Parker-Dewey, projects through The Forage (EAB), and through the development of micro-credentials across campus.

All of this work is about providing our students with the opportunity to design their college experience with an eye on the future of work!

FY24 EL Report  Report includes FY24 Juniors and Seniors and breaks down information by college/program and type of experiential learning

FY24 Graduating Seniors Only Report Report includes total engagement in experiential learning activities for graduating seniors only


(Finalized July 2024)

How to interpret the results 

  • Confirmed Data: this number reflects the total number of juniors/seniors we were able to find through our sources.
  • Unique Number: this number reflects the total number of juniors/seniors who engaged in at least one experiential learning activity.
  • Using the "+": use this symbol to drill the data down to academic program; and into juniors versus seniors.
  • Understanding the "%": you can interpret the % listed as the percentage of students from that program/College who are verified as having engaged in an experiential learning activity.  

This is the university's FIRST comprehensive collection of data on experiential learning engagement of our students.  We have learned quite a bit during this process and will always be refining our collection and analysis process.  If you have questions about the process, please email Dr. Patrick Madsen at