Author: Elona Ellis
There’s a constant debate between following your passion or leveraging your skills in today’s workforce. Many students, alumni, and professionals find themselves torn between the two. Common questions being asked are: Should I pursue a career that I love, even if it doesn’t pay well? Should I pursue a career where I make a lot of money, but it doesn’t excite me? Should I take whatever I can get in this competitive job market? These are all valid questions to ask yourself. But a major key to career satisfaction is finding the balance between your skills and your passion.
Skills versus Passions: Striking the Perfect Balance
As you’re exploring a career path, it’s important to understand the difference between skills and passions. Skills are people's abilities, knowledge, and expertise that are needed to carry out specific tasks or activities effectively. Skills are learned abilities that you have trained, practiced, or naturally come to you. Your skills can be technical such as coding or writing. Also, you can have soft skills such as communication, professionalism, critical thinking, teamwork, etc. Skills can be developed through education, training, work experience, and personal development efforts. On the other hand, your passions are activities, goals, subjects, hobbies, values that are important to you and that you’re excited to pursue. It brings you joy! Your passions are things that you would do without being paid. While some people are fortunate enough to have a passion that aligns perfectly with their skills, some people struggle to bridge the gap between what they love and what they can do professionally.
So, why is finding the right balance so important? Glad you asked! A career based on passion can sometimes lead to financial strain or burnout. Especially, if you lack the necessary skills or resources to sustain it. However, relying on skills without passion can lead to frustration, unfulfillment, resentment, or detachment in the workplace over time. This is why it’s imperative to identify a career that integrates both or create a balance system that allows you to fuel your passion as a side gig opportunity.
Steps to Building a Career That Combines Passion and Skills
- Considering taking career assessments. By taking inventory of both your skills and passions, you’ll be able to uncover patterns that bring you joy and will be impactful in your career journey.
A few assessments to consider:
PathwayU: This assessment will help guide you toward discovering purpose and meaning while exploring majors and occupations that align with your interests, personality, values and workplace preferences.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): Examines individuals’ personalities and how they complement or conflict with certain work environments, leadership roles, overall communication, and relationships.
- Utilize the Career Center to identify any overlaps in your assessments as well other resources we have that can be impactful in career/major exploration.
A few resources that can be helpful:
WCIDWAMI (What can I do with a major in..): This resource gives you a breakdown on what you could do in majors that interest you. It will share sample occupations, how to prepare for the career, how to gain experience in the field of choice, and types of employers in the industry. The goal is to encourage you to research different industries and job roles that align with your skills and passions.
Schedule a career coaching appointment: Do you want a more in-depth conversation? Consider discussing your results with a career coach! A career coach can help make the major and career process feel less overwhelming. Any gaps, overlaps, or connections can be addressed during a 1:1 coaching session.
Attend Career Meet Ups: Career Meet Ups are small group sessions focused on specific career and industry topics that are led by career coaches and industry professionals. This is a great option for students who want to gain beneficial content while also networking in a small group setting.
Build Transferable Skills
If your passion and skills don’t naturally align, consider filling the gap by doing the following:
- Taking online courses or certifications.
- Volunteering in areas aligned with your passion.
- Seek mentorship from professionals in your desired field.
- Attending industry events, information sessions, or panel/networking events with employers.
- Building your portfolio with academic or personal projects.
- Internships, co-ops, or part-time work.
- Join campus organizations or professional associations.
Evaluating the Financial Impact of your Passion
While passion is important, financial stability plays a crucial role in today’s world. Ask yourself the following questions:
- Can this career sustain your lifestyle needs and long-term goals?
- Are there growth opportunities in this field?
- What is the earning potential over time?
If your passion alone doesn’t provide financial security, consider complementary career paths that allow you to use your passion in a sustainable way.
As you navigate life, your passions and skills will evolve over time. It’s imperative to be adaptable and open to new opportunities. Many successful professionals shift careers multiple times, finding new ways to integrate what they love with what they do best. Balancing your skills and passions requires self-awareness, exploration, and strategic planning. By identifying your unique strengths, researching viable career paths, and continuously developing your skills, you can create a fulfilling career that aligns with what you’re good at and what you love to do. The goal is to find balance in your work that allows you to be financially secure and maintain a sense of purpose and joy.