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From College Changes to Business Ventures: Madison Sims' Entrepreneurial Spirit

Madison Sims stands over a wooden table looking down on her laptop which is next to a coffee cup, camera, and podcast equipment.
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Madison Sims, a graduate of UNC Charlotte in 2022 and owner of Midfield, recounts her transition from aspiring attorney to budding entrepreneur, launching her ventures early in life. While her career trajectory has evolved, she now focuses on collaborating with fellow entrepreneurs and aims to offer guidance and support to emerging brands in the future.

Despite initially envisioning a career in law, Madison found her true calling in entrepreneurship. She acknowledges that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to entrepreneurship and believes her path has been uniquely shaped by her experiences and interests.

From a young age, Madison exhibited entrepreneurial tendencies, starting small ventures like selling handmade jewelry. Although she briefly considered a structured career path, her passion for entrepreneurship persisted. Throughout her teenage years, Madison remained captivated by brands and consumer behavior, which influenced her decision to explore marketing and business electives in high school.

Her college journey was characterized by several changes in direction. Initially pursuing finance with aspirations of joining the Air Force as a lawyer, she eventually graduated with a degree in Health Systems Management from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her experience working at a meal prep company during college revealed a gap in the market, inspiring her to launch her own venture aimed at assisting health and fitness businesses with marketing and operations. Since leaving her job last July, Madison has fully immersed herself in entrepreneurship, running her own business at the age of 24 while remaining open to the possibilities that lie ahead.

In her college journey, she navigated through various academic paths, reflecting on her interests and aspirations. Initially drawn to pre-business finance, she later transitioned to political science with aspirations of pursuing law school. However, lacking clarity about her career path, she switched gears to communications, seeking a more defined direction.

Yet, the broad scope of communications left her uncertain, prompting a return to business studies for specificity. The desire to engage more deeply with people led her to delve into exercise science, inspired by her positive experiences at the gym and aspirations of owning or managing one. However, as challenges arose and the demanding nature of the program became apparent, compounded by the remote learning environment during the COVID era, she realized the mismatch between her strengths and the curriculum's demands. Recognizing the need for a change, she sought guidance from advisors and ultimately transitioned to healthcare management, aligning better with her interests and offering a more manageable path to graduation.

Madison’s journey emphasizes the importance of seeking counsel and exploring diverse options when faced with doubts about academic pursuits. Her advice to college students echoes her experiences of navigating through uncertainties and transitions. Encouraging proactive engagement with advisors and peers in different disciplines, she underscores the value of asking questions and gathering insights to find a path that resonates personally and academically. Though marked by twists and turns, the journey ultimately guided her toward a destination aligned with her passions and strengths, serving as a testament to the significance of self-reflection and informed decision-making in academic pursuits.

Reflecting on her early experiences in entrepreneurship, she recalls a quote that resonated deeply: 'Everything's cringy until you make it.' Initially met with patronizing remarks when she began sharing her content online and offering her services, she encountered comments like 'That's so cute' from peers. However, as her business Midfield gained traction, the perception shifted. Recalling an encounter with a potential client who dismissed her efforts as 'cute,' she emphasizes the transition from being seen as a novice to a legitimate business owner. She underscores the importance of finding support within the entrepreneurial community, where mutual understanding and shared experiences foster growth and resilience. Seeking guidance from fellow entrepreneurs, networking, and leveraging available resources such as books and podcasts are crucial steps in this process. Success in entrepreneurship often hinges on resilience, resourcefulness, and a willingness to embrace the nonlinear path toward realizing one's ambitions.

During her tenure at UNC Charlotte, she acknowledges touching upon the notion of utilizing the Career Center as a resource, a decision they wish she had pursued earlier. She reflected on her initial lack of awareness regarding the breadth of career opportunities available, noting that the Career Center could have provided valuable insights into the diverse range of professions beyond the conventional ones often initially considered. 

Want to stay up to date on Madison Sims? Check out her website and podcast:



Resources that Madison wants to share with you that have helped her along the way:

  1. Podcast playlist she updates weekly with her recommendations around all things entrepreneurship, branding, marketing & more! 
  2. Books she recommends: 
    1. $100M Leads - best and easiest book to digest around lead acquisition - 
    2. $100M Offers - how to craft an offer people can’t refuse -
    3. The Magic of Thinking Big -